


Academic Writing: Geoff and Max discuss the differences between narrative and expository writing styles with students in the Academic Writing seminar, as students prepare to write their own short stories. Throughout the week students will explore several genres of academic writing through reading examples and their own writing.


Performing Arts: Everyone is working together to produce our original, creative performances. Then, we will make costumes, props, memorize lines and perform in front of all our friends and family.


Presentation Skills: Students in presentation skills have been practicing voice, speed, volume, and body language using their own speeches as well as the lyrics to Frozen. They have also been introduced to the importance of visual aids, structuring their speeches, and techniques of connecting with their audiences. Over the remainder of the course, they will continue to learn other important aspects of presentation skills and write and practice their own speeches.


Visual Arts: This week the students are working on making their own stop motion animations using paper cut outs and their drawings. In addition, the students are learning about different styles of art, such as Pointilism, and attempting to replicate them with their own drawings.