SIJ ワンデイセッション 7月27日
SIJ ワンデイセッション 7月27日
Messages from SIJ instructors:
Chuck, Nicholas, Robbie, and Janet
“We taught the kids persuasive and narrative writing, giving them a chance to write their own essays and stories. Afterwards, they learnt techniques to present these essays and stories to the class in the form of a speech. It was a lot of fun! It took some time for the kids to get comfortable and come out of their shells but, overall I think they learnt a lot and were very brave to deliver such good speeches after just two short hours!”
– Chuck
“I enjoyed teaching the SIJ One Day Seminar. The students we attentive, engaged, and willing to go outside of their comfort zones to learn new skills. Our students learned about narrative and persuasive writing while practicing their composition skills with writing individual compositions. We then taught students the key components of public speaking and asked them to deliver their written compositions as speeches to the class. I was very impressed with how well the students delivered their speeches.”
– Nicholas Boucher
“The SIJ One Day Seminar was a lot of fun! The students were all excited to improve their English writing and speaking and it was great for everyone to get to know each other. We taught them important skills to remember when writing narrative and persuasive essays. We also helped them with their public speaking – giving them confidence to read and speak in English. Everyone had a great time and learnt a lot!”
– Robbie Waddilove
“My favorite highlight from our SIJ One Day Seminar was when the students embraced speaking in front of the group and the strategies we taught them. They projected their voices, made eye contact with the room, and one student even ad-libbed an introduction for herself!”
– Janet Chen