Summer in JAPAN 2022 Summary
Seven-Day English Seminar
ーLanguage Arts(Reading and Writing)
ーTwo Workshops
・Computer Science
・Public Speaking
ーWorkout Session(PE)
ーCultural Exchange Daily Presentations
Special Events
ーThe 10th SIJ Classical Concert “Sumire Hirotsuru and her friends”
ーThe 8th Outreach Educational Program “Kunisaki x Harvard”
ーThe 4th Outreach Educational Program “SWIM” (Summer Workshop for Immersive Multiculturalism)
7 Students from Harvard University

Seven-Day English Seminar
Language Arts(Reading and Writing)
LA1 Class

LA1 focused on techniques for descriptive writing such as using figurative language to write vividly.
LA4 Class

We’re working hard here in LA4! Today we tackled persuasive essays– essays in which we take one side of an argument that we are passionate about. Students chose what issue they want to address, from remote vs. in-person learning to mandatory dress codes to whether people should travel to outer space. With thesis-building, outlining, structuring, arguing, and providing evidence, we’re covering a LOT. That’s the SIJ way.
Computer Science (CS)

Computer Science (CS) course overview
In CS1, we learned about binary, boolean logic, and worked on some fun programs with sprites, costumes, and movements in Snap!, a blocks-based programming language.
CS2 is teaching extensions to the standard CS1 curriculum, exposing students to more advanced concepts such as implementing mathematical functions and recursion. The work is challenging, but everyone is definitely putting their best foot forward and working through the advanced concepts. At the same time, they are creating complicated games, programs, and animations for the end of the week, using features such as broadcasting and anchors.
Public Speaking (PS)

Public Speaking (PS) course overview
Ellen Degeneres’ Oscar Speech helped learning a lot about public speaking today – we all are aiming to be like her, with joyful tone and complete control of the show. We now have many presentation tools such as signposting and the use of voice. We instructors are so happy to see how enthusiastic our students are, and so excited for their final speeches!
Special Events
The 8th Outreach Educational Program “Kunisaki x Harvard”

19 students gathered at Kunisaki to learn English writing and public speaking from us. We had a super fun time teaching students important aspects of public speaking: having a loud voice, maintaining eye contact, and having confidence. The students picked up the lessons quickly.
The 4th Outreach Educational Program “SWIM” (Summer Workshop for Immersive Multiculturalism)
Free English lesson with Harvard College students in Oita City, Japan

Team Harvard gave a lesson on public speaking to some students from Oita city! Each instructor managed a General Incorporated Association Oita Prefecture Labor Welfare Center group of around 15-20 kids. We gave them some notes on how to improve their short speeches that some of them got to present in front of everyone while keeping in mind important elements of public speaking (eye contact, loud voice, confidence, gestures, articulation, etc.). All students did such a great job in just two hours and we instructors are so proud!
Summer in JAPAN 2022 Classical Concert

Sumire Hirotsuru, Harvard College ’16 (Violin)
Moeri Kobayashi (Piano)
Yukie Kawanami (Bandoneon)
- Loca / Manuel Jovés
- A Evarist Carriego / Eduardo Rovira
- Fortin Cero / José Colángelo
- Oblivion / Astor Piazzolla
- Adiós Nonino / Astor Piazzolla
- Jealousy / Jacob Gade
- El día que me quieras / Carlos Gardel
- La Cumparsita / Gerardo Matos Rodriguez
- Libertango / Astor Piazzolla
- Ruta 7 / Nicolas Ledesma
- Sueño de tango / Leopoldo Federico-Nicolás Ledesma