Summer in JAPAN 2020 Summary


Nine-Days English Online Seminar

ーLanguage Arts(Reading and Writing)
ーFour Workshops
・Essay Writing
Performing Arts
・Computer Science
・Public Speaking
ーWorkout Session(PE)
ーExtracurricular Activities

Special Events

ーThe 8th SIJ Classical Concert “Sumire Hirotsuru and her friends”
ーThe 6th Outreach Educational Program “Kunisaki x Harvard”
ーThe 2nd Outreach Educational Program “SWIM” (Summer Workshop for Immersive Multiculturalism)

SIJ Teachers (2020) Online



The 4 Workshops

Essay Writing (EW)


Essay Writing (EW) course overview:

SIJ provides students aged 7-18 with a top-notch Essay Writing course, taught by Harvard College students. You will learn helpful tips to write narrative, expository, and academic essays in just 9 days even if you have no prior experiences.

Performing Arts (PA)

Performing Arts class overview:

SIJ participants will be provided an important lesson on ‘Self Expression’ by Harvard College students, who balance their studies with theatre, music or dance classes. You will learn various expressions using techniques from actual theatre training and Summer In Japan’s co-founder Sumire will also participate as a lecturer. If you want to be more confident, speak more English, or break out of your shell, we recommend Performing Arts class!

Computer Science (CS)

Computer Science (CS) course overview:

SIJ provide 7-18 year students with world-class CS education taught by Harvard College CS majors.

You will learn 3 languages Python, HTML and CSS to create a cool website in just 9 days even you have no prior experiences.

Public Speaking (PS)

Public Speaking (PS) course overview

SIJ provide 7-18 year students with world-class Public Speaking education taught by Harvard College students.

As looking at the screen all the time stiffens our body, PE class was a great chance for all of us to take a break, loosen up and exercise in the middle of our day.

Thank you for your energy and clear instruction, Mr. Daichi Wakasugi!


Special Events



The 6th Outreach Educational Program “Kunisaki x Harvard”


Join us! Free english lesson with Harvard students in Kunisaki City

Summer in JAPAN is collaborating with Kunisaki City again this year! This year’s SIJ2020 instructors from Harvard College will be joining remotely to host workshop for middle/high school students in Kunisaki for free!

The 2nd Outreach Educational Program “SWIM” (Summer Workshop for Immersive Multiculturalism)

Free English lesson with Harvard College students in Oita City, Japan

Summer in JAPAN is collaborating with Oita City to host SWIM, Summer Workshop for Immersive Multiculturalism, for the 2nd time!
“This summer, the exchange event with the world’s best students will change your life!”
This year’s SIJ2020 instructors from Harvard College will be joining remotely to host workshops for middle/high school students in Oita City for free! Furthermore, university students who are good at english from Oita prefecture will also act as supporters.

2020/08/03 (月)
20:00 – 21:00

Sumire Hirotsuru, violin
Hideki Goto, piano
Junpei Niimi, baritone

General: 2,000 yen
Summer in JAPAN students: Free
(Ticket holders can watch the show until August 9th, 11:59pm JST)

Summer in JAPAN Classical Concert goes online this year!

SIJ co-founder Sumire Hirotsuru will be performing her first-ever online concert, welcoming two musicians based in her hometown Oita – Hideki Goto on piano & Jumpei Niimi on baritone.


The music selection includes her favorite solo violin repertoire, solo baritone classics, Japanese tunes and some violin-piano-baritone trio arrangements which are rarely put together.


Get your tickets now and watch the show on a favorite couch with your favorite drink, from anywhere in the world!

Syncopation シンコペーション / Fritz Kreisler
Die Forelle 鱒 / Franz Peter Schubert
Musica proibita 禁じられた音楽 / Stanislao Gastaldon
Oblivion 忘却 / Astor Piazzolla
Romanian Folk Dances ルーマニア民俗舞曲 / Béla Bartók

落葉松 (Larch) / 小林秀雄作曲・野上彰作詞
待ちぼうけ (Waiting in the Vain) / 山田耕筰作曲・北原白秋作詞
Meditation from Thais タイスの瞑想曲 / Jules Massenet
Csárdás チャルダッシュ / Vittorio Monti
いのちの歌 (Song of Life) / 村松崇継作曲・Miyabi作詞
Granada グラナダ / Agustin Lara

Runtime: 45 minutes